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Professional Changework & Consulting Hypnotherapist ... for your emotional well being.

What is Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis is 'The engagement of a person’s beliefs and imagination in creating, for them, an altered state of subjective reality’

For Hypnosis to occur there must be a ‘Hypnotist’ and a ‘Hypnotee’ where the Hypnotee is induced into a specific state then the subconscious mind is offered and accepts, unreservedly, any reality imposed upon it by the Hypnotist. (this brings into question the issue of ‘Self Hypnosis’ which is commented on later in this document). There is no such thing as ‘Hypnotherapy’ as you may know it in the media or on film.

There is ‘Hypnosis’ and the ‘Therapy’ is what the practitioner does with you whilst you are in this state. In this way a Hypnotist can have an effect on the mind in exactly the same way as a deeply emotional or traumatic event. It can be utilised to undo or change such events in their client’s minds which are causing emotional or behavioural distress. For that reason Hypnosis employed for therapeutic or remedial purposes carries a high level of responsibility.

Many people, including some Hypnotherapists themselves, mistakenly believe Hypnosis a form of relaxation, sleep or trance. This is not what Hypnosis really is. However, the use of inducing relaxing states can be very beneficial for many emotional issues but can be better described as ‘Relaxa-therapy’. Progressive relaxation without testing or suggestions is not real Hypnosis, but it can be used to bring about change.

Hypnosis works when the ‘critical conscious faculty’ or conscious mind is by-passed and a suggestion or instruction, either spoken or otherwise, is delivered and accepted by our subconscious mind as a fact. The subconscious part of the mind is not programmed to tell the difference between reality and fantasy. It therefore accepts suggestions simply because it feels like it or the suggestion resembles one which it has already accepted as reality.

To achieve this, the Hypnotee must be fully focussed on the Hypnotist which is brought about by means of following simple instructions. There must be acceptance of the fact that Hypnosis will occur (Context) for the well being of the Hypnotee (Intent). A Hypnotist cannot force a Hypnotee to do anything if their Context and Intent are not present.

Direction, instruction, manipulation and persuasion can be employed in bringing about a Hypnotic state as well as persuasion, cajoling and influence used to bring about profound and long lasting change.

Professionals have used hypnosis successfully for hundreds of years.

Call me now on 01384 468 004 for a brochure and more info, or email me to discuss your problem.

The Truth About Hypnosis That Other Hypnotists May Not Tell You!

A special report that even some Hypnotherapists don't know about!